Welcome to Survivor's Network, a dedicated platform created to connect and support individuals ​who have triumphed over various forms of trauma.

Whether you've conquered cancer, addiction, depression, eating disorders, diseases, accidents, or ​violent crimes, our community is here for you.

Our goal is to provide a safe space where survivors can find solace, share their experiences, and ​support others facing similar challenges. Survivor's Network recognizes the invaluable support that ​comes from connecting with others who have gone through the same or similar experiences.

From Pain to Purpose:

The Inspirational Journey Behind Survivor's Network


Throughout my own ordeal and subsequent recovery, I faced countless ​challenges and uncertainties. Both physically and mentally, I experienced the ​depths of pain and isolation.

I realized that amidst this challenging journey, I longed for a support system of ​individuals who truly understood what I was going through – people who could ​relate to my questions, fears, and triumphs.

Driven by my own experiences, I founded Survivor's Network as a haven for ​survivors of all forms of trauma. It is here that individuals can find solace, ​understanding, and a sense of belonging. I believe that no survivor should ever ​feel alone or have to face their battles in isolation.

-Vic Ferreira-

My story:

A Journey of Resilience and Recovery

It was a fantastic night. Life was good. I remember feeling happy. In an instant, it all ​changed. A car accident left me with a severe hip injury, leading to multiple ​unsuccessful surgeries. The uncertainty of walking again? Lying in bed, leg detached ​for three months, hoping shaved bone and cement bonded enough to put me back ​together while my body disintegrated in front of me. The physical and mental pain ​found me relying on painkillers every few hours. They dulled the agony but also ​brought memory loss and a disconnection from reality. As if this wasn't challenging ​enough, my partner left me. The final surgery was a success. I'm put back together. ​Now, the real work begins. Maximizing mobility, range, and strength was all up to ​me now. Daily discipline and faith for the next two years is the only way. Each day ​brought pain and discomfort, but I kept going. From walker to crutches, I made ​progress. By June, I had learned to walk again unassisted in unprecedented times. ​Ten months after the accident, we worked out I had post-concussion syndrome, ​which had its effects on me and those around me this whole time. My story is a ​testament to the resilience of the human spirit. A reminder that even in the face of ​immense challenges, healing and recovery are possible.

First and foremost, as a survivor, I am here to volunteer and make my experiences ​and journey available to help others. I understand the struggles and obstacles that ​come with trauma and lengthy recovery, and I want to offer support and guidance ​based on what I have learned.

In addition, I am excited to share that my journey of survival has led me to become ​a life coach. 4Allmylife.com

As a life coach, I specialize in helping individuals overcome their challenges and ​achieve their goals. I am passionate about empowering others to navigate their ​struggles, find healing, and reach new heights of personal growth and fulfilment.

If you or someone you know is seeking assistance during recovery, I am here to ​provide support.

The Catalyst

‘‘The final stage of healing is ​using what happens to you to ​help other people’’

-Gloria Steinem

Helping hand concept. Gesture, sign of help and hope. Two hands taking each other.

How it works!

Survivor's Network recognizes the invaluable support that comes from connecting with ​others who have gone through the same or similar experiences.

These fellow survivors can provide insights and assistance in areas that doctors may not ​always focus on, such as the unexpected effects that can arise during recovery. They ​can offer guidance on navigating challenges that may not be immediately apparent ​and share ways to make the recovery process easier, drawing from their own ​experiences.

By connecting with individuals who have firsthand knowledge, you can gain valuable ​insights that only someone who has been through it would know.

While Survivor's Network does not offer professional counseling services, we firmly ​believe in the power of empathy, understanding, and shared experiences. Join our ​community today and discover a network of individuals who have walked a similar ​path, ready to offer guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear. You are not alone.

Together, we can find strength, resilience, and hope in the face of adversity.

survivors network

Recovery coaches

At 43, I faced breast ​cancer. Surgery, chemo, ​and radiation followed. ​With determination and ​support, I navigated the ​tough journey.

Grateful for loved ones and a ​skilled medical team, I've been in ​remission for three years. Every day ​is a gift, and I aim to inspire others ​on their cancer journeys.

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At 34, a gunshot ​shattered my arm during ​a robbery. Through ​surgeries and rehab, I ​regained arm ​functionality. Despite a ​tough recovery, I stayed ​focused.

Now, I'm back, living life fully and ​cherishing every moment.


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After a chemical plant ​accident left me with ​inhalation damage, ​severe burns, and partial ​visual impairment, I ​underwent treatments ​and surgeries. Despite ​physical and emotional ​challenges, I stayed ​resilient in my recovery. ​I've made.

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After a car hit me in a ​cycling accident, I faced ​broken bones and fear of ​cycling. Through medical ​interventions and rehab, I ​regained strength and ​confidence.

Transitioning to mountain biking ​minimized risks, reigniting my ​passion for cycling as I conquer ​challenging trails with renewed ​enthusiasm.


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As a trauma survivor seeking support, you can connect with a recovery ​coach who has gone through similar experiences. Choose from our existing ​profiles, and if you can't find someone who resonates with you, contact us.

Share your story, and we will do our best to find you a recovery coach who ​can understand and support you.

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If you are a survivor who wants to make a difference and support fellow trauma ​survivors, we encourage you to reach out to us.

Share your journey and how you believe you can help others. We will gladly add ​your profile to our community, allowing you to give back and offer guidance to ​those in need.

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